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제목 The 7th Asia-Pacific GAW Workshop on GHGs

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KMA held the "7th Asia-Pacific GAW workshop on Greenhouse Gases" on Oct. 22~23, 2015 in Jeju.
If you want to open the presentation file, please click the title of the presentation.

0.1  Oksana Torasova : Updates form WMO GAW Programme
0.2  Martin Schultz : Reactive gases in the GAW Program

1.1  Chulkyu Lee : Recent activities on Global Atmosphere Watch in Korea
1.2  Yoki Mori : The JMA activities and network for GHG observation and recent topics
1.3  Yogesh Tiwari : Continuing efforts on Greenhouse Gases monitoring and modeling in India
1.4  Taeyoung Goo : Improved FTS measurement for remotely-based CO2 retrievals
1.5  Scott Chambers : Improving the representation of cross-boundary transport of anthropogenic  
        pollution in Southeast Asia using Radon-222

2.1  Aminah Ismail : Monitoring Carbon Dioxide and other Greenhouse Gases in GAW Danum
        Valley Station
2.2  Han Thi Ngan : Advantages and diffculties of greenhouse gases obsevations at the national
        hydro-Meteorology service(NHMS), Vietnam
2.3  Marcel van der Schoot : GHG Observation Capability Developments and Research Applications
        at Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station(from 1970's air archiving to 2015 laser absorption)
2.4  Haytham Malkawi : Monitoring methane(CH4) and other greenhouse gas emissions in the sector
       of wastewater in Jordan
2.5  Agusta Kurniawan : N2O measurement at global GAW station Bukitkototabang(indonesia) 
       during period June 2013 to May 2014

3.1  Jeong-Soon Lee : Standards for greenhouses gas monitoring
3.2  Lingxi Zhou : WMO/IAEA 6th Round Robin inter-comparison and related progress
3.3  Shanlan Lee : In situ monitoring of halogenated compounds at Jeju Island, Korea; 
        Chemical evidence of inter-hemispheric air intrusion in the mid-latitudes  
3.4  Jinwoong Kim : Estimattion of surface CO2 flux and observation impact using carbon tracker