Audits & Technical Assistance
Audits & Technical Assistance
To assist WMO members operating the WMO/GAW stations to link their sulfur hexafluoride observations to the WMO/GAW guideline and reference scale, WCC-SF6 implements audits and technical assistance for the stations.
The Audit consists of a system audit and performance audit. A System audit is more generally defined as a check of the overall confirmity of a station with the principles
of the GAW system. A Performance audit is a voluntary check for conformity of a measurement where the audit criteria are the data quality objective (DGOs) for the SF6.
It is evaluated by the inter-comparison experiment with WCC-SF6's travelling standard gases. WCC-SF6 has audited 3 WMO/GAW monitoring stations.
- System and performance audit of Sulfur Hexafluoride, Cape Point, Africa, 2016
- System and performance audit of Sulfur Hexafluoride, Zugspitze, Germany, 2017
- System and performance audit of Sulfur Hexafluoride, Mauna Loa, USA, 2018